Humans living far beyond planet's means: WWF By Ben Blanchard
Tue Oct 24, 6:29 AM ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - Humans are stripping nature at an unprecedented rate and will need two planets' worth of natural resources every year by 2050 on current trends, the WWF conservation group said on Tuesday.
Populations of many species, from fish to mammals, had fallen by about a third from 1970 to 2003 largely because of human threats such as pollution, clearing of forests and overfishing, the group also said in a two-yearly report.
"For more than 20 years we have exceeded the earth's ability to support a consumptive lifestyle that is unsustainable and we cannot afford to continue down this path," WWF Director-General James Leape said, launching the WWF's 2006 Living Planet Report.
"If everyone around the world lived as those in America, we would need five planets to support us," Leape, an American, said in Beijing.
People in the United Arab Emirates were placing most stress per capita on the planet ahead of those in the United States, Finland and Canada, the report said.
Australia was also living well beyond its means.
The average Australian used 6.6 "global" hectares to support their developed lifestyle, ranking behind the United States and Canada, but ahead of the United Kingdom, Russia, China and Japan.
"If the rest of the world led the kind of lifestyles we do here in Australia, we would require three-and-a-half planets to provide the resources we use and to absorb the waste," said Greg Bourne, WWF-Australia chief executive officer.
Everyone would have to change lifestyles -- cutting use of fossil fuels and improving management of everything from farming to fisheries.
"As countries work to improve the well-being of their people, they risk bypassing the goal of sustainability," said Leape, speaking in an energy-efficient building at Beijing's prestigous Tsinghua University.
"It is inevitable that this disconnect will eventually limit the abilities of poor countries to develop and rich countries to maintain their prosperity," he added.
The report said humans' "ecological footprint" -- the demand people place on the natural world -- was 25 percent greater than the planet's annual ability to provide everything from food to energy and recycle all human waste in 2003.
In the previous report, the 2001 overshoot was 21 percent.
"On current projections humanity, will be using two planets' worth of natural resources by 2050 -- if those resources have not run out by then," the latest report said.
"People are turning resources into waste faster than nature can turn waste back into resources."
"Humanity's footprint has more than tripled between 1961 and 2003," it said. Consumption has outpaced a surge in the world's population, to 6.5 billion from 3 billion in 1960. U.N. projections show a surge to 9 billion people around 2050.
It said that the footprint from use of fossil fuels, whose heat-trapping emissions are widely blamed for pushing up world temperatures, was the fastest-growing cause of strain.
Leape said China, home to a fifth of the world's population and whose economy is booming, was making the right move in pledging to reduce its energy consumption by 20 percent over the next five years.
"Much will depend on the decisions made by China, India and other rapidly developing countries," he added.
The WWF report also said that an index tracking 1,300 vetebrate species -- birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals -- showed that populations had fallen for most by about 30 percent because of factors including a loss of habitats to farms.
Among species most under pressure included the swordfish and the South African Cape vulture. Those bucking the trend included rising populations of the Javan rhinoceros and the northern hairy-nosed wombat in Australia.
(Additional reporting by Alister Doyle in Helsinki)
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Raw Living Foods Home Study Program
Thinking about a lifestyle change? NOW is the time to do it! The kids are back in school, vacations are over, and it's going to be easier to find a bit of time for yourself again.
Surrounded, as we are, with increasing toxicity in our food and environment, eating a pure and healthy diet is more important than ever. That's why the Raw Living Foods Movement is growing so fast.
There's a lot more to being a Raw Fooder than eating fruits and veggies. Dietary variety, purity, balance, sprouting and personal detoxification are important, too. Now you can learn about the Raw Living Foods Lifestyle in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Learn how to detoxify your body, what to eat, why to eat it, and how to prepare yummy raw food meals that leave you feeling full and satisfied. The home study version of the Dr. Ann Wigmore Raw Living Foods Lifestyle includes over 45 hours of video instruction, and a comprehensive manual.
The Raw Living Foods Lifestyle has been taught by a series of visionaries in the past century. Dr. Ann Wigmore used it to cure herself of colon cancer in the 1950's, and then taught it for decades at Hippocrates Institute in Boston and Creative Health Institute in Michigan, where she taught others to heal themselves naturally.
If you can't get into a residential program, then the home study program is for you. There's so much material in the home study program - 15 lessons, 30+ videos, 350+ page handbook - that you'd have to spend at least a month at a place like Creative Health to learn as much.
The First Lesson is Free - Examine the program in your home for 30 days. Even if you don't elect to continue your subscription, the first lesson is still yours to keep.
When you order the complete raw living foods lifestyle Home Study Program this week we'll also include over $100 worth of bonus materials:
Personal Raw Coaching: 30 minutes of free coaching and consultation (by telephone) with Hiawatha Cromer, "The Wise Woman of Raw Foods"
Bonus Book: "Green for Life," by Victoria Boutenko (read the Book Review)
Bonus Video: "Greens can Save Your Life," with Victoria Boutenko (2 Tapes or DVDs)
Bonus Video: "Dr. Ann Wigmore's Kitchen," with Dr. Ann and Dr. Flora van Orden III
Bonus Video: "Out of the Ordinary," with Robert Taylor, Steven Gibb and Dr. Jim Carey
Bonus Book: "Finding Health in Hodunk," by Thom Hartmann
Bonus Video: A surprise title.
For purchase information and more details, please visit
What people are saying about the home study program:
Thinking about a lifestyle change? NOW is the time to do it! The kids are back in school, vacations are over, and it's going to be easier to find a bit of time for yourself again.
Surrounded, as we are, with increasing toxicity in our food and environment, eating a pure and healthy diet is more important than ever. That's why the Raw Living Foods Movement is growing so fast.
There's a lot more to being a Raw Fooder than eating fruits and veggies. Dietary variety, purity, balance, sprouting and personal detoxification are important, too. Now you can learn about the Raw Living Foods Lifestyle in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Learn how to detoxify your body, what to eat, why to eat it, and how to prepare yummy raw food meals that leave you feeling full and satisfied. The home study version of the Dr. Ann Wigmore Raw Living Foods Lifestyle includes over 45 hours of video instruction, and a comprehensive manual.
The Raw Living Foods Lifestyle has been taught by a series of visionaries in the past century. Dr. Ann Wigmore used it to cure herself of colon cancer in the 1950's, and then taught it for decades at Hippocrates Institute in Boston and Creative Health Institute in Michigan, where she taught others to heal themselves naturally.
If you can't get into a residential program, then the home study program is for you. There's so much material in the home study program - 15 lessons, 30+ videos, 350+ page handbook - that you'd have to spend at least a month at a place like Creative Health to learn as much.
The First Lesson is Free - Examine the program in your home for 30 days. Even if you don't elect to continue your subscription, the first lesson is still yours to keep.
When you order the complete raw living foods lifestyle Home Study Program this week we'll also include over $100 worth of bonus materials:
Personal Raw Coaching: 30 minutes of free coaching and consultation (by telephone) with Hiawatha Cromer, "The Wise Woman of Raw Foods"
Bonus Book: "Green for Life," by Victoria Boutenko (read the Book Review)
Bonus Video: "Greens can Save Your Life," with Victoria Boutenko (2 Tapes or DVDs)
Bonus Video: "Dr. Ann Wigmore's Kitchen," with Dr. Ann and Dr. Flora van Orden III
Bonus Video: "Out of the Ordinary," with Robert Taylor, Steven Gibb and Dr. Jim Carey
Bonus Book: "Finding Health in Hodunk," by Thom Hartmann
Bonus Video: A surprise title.
For purchase information and more details, please visit
What people are saying about the home study program:
Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce
from the Environmental Working Group
For years, you've been able to choose foods with less fat or fewer additives. Now, with EWG's 4th edition of the popular Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, you can minimize your chemical exposure in the produce aisle.
EWG always recommends organic, but we know you can't always find it. Our new Guide features the 12 fruits and veggies with the most and least pesticides so you'll know which ones to buy organic, and which conventionally-grown ones are okay when organic isn't available.
How'd we do it? EWG analyzed over 42,000 of the latest government tests for pesticide residues on commonly-eaten fruits and vegetables. We then ranked the results based on six measures of pesticide loads, after washing and peeling. Click here to download your printer-friendly PDF Guide now.
There is growing consensus in the scientific community that small doses of pesticides and other chemicals can adversely affect people, especially during vulnerable periods of fetal development and childhood when exposures can have long lasting effects. Because the toxic effects of pesticides are worrisome, not well understood, or in some cases completely unstudied, shoppers are wise to minimize exposure to pesticides whenever possible.
Nearly all of the data used to create these lists already considers how people typically wash and prepare produce (for example, apples are washed before testing, bananas are peeled). While washing and rinsing fresh produce may reduce levels of some pesticides, it does not eliminate them. Peeling also reduces exposures, but valuable nutrients often go down the drain with the peel. The best option is to eat a varied diet, wash all produce, and choose organic when possible to reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
Get your copy of the guide here: (available in English and Spanish).
from the Environmental Working Group
For years, you've been able to choose foods with less fat or fewer additives. Now, with EWG's 4th edition of the popular Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce, you can minimize your chemical exposure in the produce aisle.
EWG always recommends organic, but we know you can't always find it. Our new Guide features the 12 fruits and veggies with the most and least pesticides so you'll know which ones to buy organic, and which conventionally-grown ones are okay when organic isn't available.
How'd we do it? EWG analyzed over 42,000 of the latest government tests for pesticide residues on commonly-eaten fruits and vegetables. We then ranked the results based on six measures of pesticide loads, after washing and peeling. Click here to download your printer-friendly PDF Guide now.
There is growing consensus in the scientific community that small doses of pesticides and other chemicals can adversely affect people, especially during vulnerable periods of fetal development and childhood when exposures can have long lasting effects. Because the toxic effects of pesticides are worrisome, not well understood, or in some cases completely unstudied, shoppers are wise to minimize exposure to pesticides whenever possible.
Nearly all of the data used to create these lists already considers how people typically wash and prepare produce (for example, apples are washed before testing, bananas are peeled). While washing and rinsing fresh produce may reduce levels of some pesticides, it does not eliminate them. Peeling also reduces exposures, but valuable nutrients often go down the drain with the peel. The best option is to eat a varied diet, wash all produce, and choose organic when possible to reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals.
Get your copy of the guide here: (available in English and Spanish).
Prostate Cancer Risks Rise With Shift Work
Japanese researchers found that workers on rotating shifts were four times more likely to develop prostate cancer than those working regular hours, whether on day or night shifts.
Shift work has also been linked to an increased risk of breast and bowel cancers.
The study, which examined more than 14,000 workers over eight years, also found that night shift workers were at a slightly increased risk of prostate cancer. Eighty percent of the workers studied worked daytime hours, 7 percent worked nights, and about 13 percent rotated their work schedules from night to day.
The reason for the effects may be reduced secretion of the hormone melatonin in those who work irregular hours and, to a lesser extent, nights. Reduced secretion of melatonin has been linked to increased production of sex hormones, which help to regulate prostate tissues.
American Journal of Epidemiology September 15, 2006; 164(6): 549-555
BBC News September 17, 2006
Yahoo News September 13, 2006
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
Our modern culture requires that many of us work completely unnatural hours. We need police and fire protection and health care workers to be available in emergency rooms.
Unfortunately, what many people who work these shifts don't realize is the incredibly increased risk they put themselves at for early death. You simply can't violate foundational biological rhythms and not pay a price.
Just because some genius developed the ability to create inexpensive artificial light a century ago does not give us permission to ignore centuries of biology, which dictate foundational biological processes.
Getting the right amount of sleep every day, and getting it at the right time, can make such a profound difference in your health. If you happen to be one of the unfortunate people who are involved in shift work I would encourage you to place a high goal to change that as soon as possible.
Personally, there are very few things that affect me as much as not getting a good night's sleep. I don't need much, but -- if I can get a good solid six to six and a half hours -- I have no problems going to sleep around 10 p.m. and bouncing out of bed at 4 a.m. to 4:30 a.m., ready and raring to tackle the day and achieve my goals.
It is also important to sleep in complete darkness. Many do not appreciate that the tiniest bit of light can disrupt your body's natural circadian rhythms, in addition to the production of melatonin by your pineal gland, which is why it's so important for you to sleep in complete darkness.
This is one of the primary reasons for this study's observed increase in cancer. Melatonin is a very powerful cancer controller and when you decrease your production of it your risk of cancer climbs.
Also be sure to get a healthy amount of sun, another important way to slash your risk of prostate cancer. Not only will it increase your vitamin D levels, but bright sun exposure during the day will help your body make more melatonin at night if you are sleeping in a dark room.
So, let's get your sleeping right and get to bed when you were designed to. If you are having trouble with sleeping I urge you to review my 29 secrets for getting a good night's sleep safely, effectively and without a drug, including:
Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. This will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep.
No TV right before bed. Even better, get the TV out of the bedroom or even out of the house, completely. It is too stimulating to the brain, and it will cause you to take longer to fall asleep.
Wear socks to bed. Due to the fact that they have the poorest circulation, the feet often feel cold before the rest of the body. A study has shown that wearing socks reduces night wakings.
Reduce or avoid using as many drugs as possible. Many medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, may have effects on sleep.
Avoid caffeine. A recent study showed that in some people, caffeine is not metabolized efficiently, and therefore they can feel the effects long after consuming it. So an afternoon cup of coffee (or even tea) will keep some people from falling asleep.
Related Articles:
How You Can Beat Prostate and Breast Cancer Nutritionally
Daily Red Wine Cuts Prostate Cancer Risk By Half
Night Shift Increases Cancer Risk
Japanese researchers found that workers on rotating shifts were four times more likely to develop prostate cancer than those working regular hours, whether on day or night shifts.
Shift work has also been linked to an increased risk of breast and bowel cancers.
The study, which examined more than 14,000 workers over eight years, also found that night shift workers were at a slightly increased risk of prostate cancer. Eighty percent of the workers studied worked daytime hours, 7 percent worked nights, and about 13 percent rotated their work schedules from night to day.
The reason for the effects may be reduced secretion of the hormone melatonin in those who work irregular hours and, to a lesser extent, nights. Reduced secretion of melatonin has been linked to increased production of sex hormones, which help to regulate prostate tissues.
American Journal of Epidemiology September 15, 2006; 164(6): 549-555
BBC News September 17, 2006
Yahoo News September 13, 2006
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
Our modern culture requires that many of us work completely unnatural hours. We need police and fire protection and health care workers to be available in emergency rooms.
Unfortunately, what many people who work these shifts don't realize is the incredibly increased risk they put themselves at for early death. You simply can't violate foundational biological rhythms and not pay a price.
Just because some genius developed the ability to create inexpensive artificial light a century ago does not give us permission to ignore centuries of biology, which dictate foundational biological processes.
Getting the right amount of sleep every day, and getting it at the right time, can make such a profound difference in your health. If you happen to be one of the unfortunate people who are involved in shift work I would encourage you to place a high goal to change that as soon as possible.
Personally, there are very few things that affect me as much as not getting a good night's sleep. I don't need much, but -- if I can get a good solid six to six and a half hours -- I have no problems going to sleep around 10 p.m. and bouncing out of bed at 4 a.m. to 4:30 a.m., ready and raring to tackle the day and achieve my goals.
It is also important to sleep in complete darkness. Many do not appreciate that the tiniest bit of light can disrupt your body's natural circadian rhythms, in addition to the production of melatonin by your pineal gland, which is why it's so important for you to sleep in complete darkness.
This is one of the primary reasons for this study's observed increase in cancer. Melatonin is a very powerful cancer controller and when you decrease your production of it your risk of cancer climbs.
Also be sure to get a healthy amount of sun, another important way to slash your risk of prostate cancer. Not only will it increase your vitamin D levels, but bright sun exposure during the day will help your body make more melatonin at night if you are sleeping in a dark room.
So, let's get your sleeping right and get to bed when you were designed to. If you are having trouble with sleeping I urge you to review my 29 secrets for getting a good night's sleep safely, effectively and without a drug, including:
Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. This will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep.
No TV right before bed. Even better, get the TV out of the bedroom or even out of the house, completely. It is too stimulating to the brain, and it will cause you to take longer to fall asleep.
Wear socks to bed. Due to the fact that they have the poorest circulation, the feet often feel cold before the rest of the body. A study has shown that wearing socks reduces night wakings.
Reduce or avoid using as many drugs as possible. Many medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, may have effects on sleep.
Avoid caffeine. A recent study showed that in some people, caffeine is not metabolized efficiently, and therefore they can feel the effects long after consuming it. So an afternoon cup of coffee (or even tea) will keep some people from falling asleep.
Related Articles:
How You Can Beat Prostate and Breast Cancer Nutritionally
Daily Red Wine Cuts Prostate Cancer Risk By Half
Night Shift Increases Cancer Risk
Cancerous Pancreas & Bowels Caused by Nitric Acid in Meat
Robert Young, Ph.D.
Consuming processed meats increases the risk of a cancerous pancreas, says new research conducted at the University of Hawaii that followed nearly 200,000 men and women for seven years. According to lead study author Ute Nothlings, people who consumed the most processed meats (hot dogs and sausage) showed a 67% increased risk of a cancerous pancreas over those who consumed little or no meat products.
But researchers failed to accurately identify the culprit responsible for this increased risk of a cancerous pancreas, says one author. The true cause of the heightened cancer risk is the widespread use of an acidic carcinogenic precursor ingredient known as sodium nitrite acid by food processing companies, says nutritionist Mike Adams, author of the just-published Grocery Warning manual at:
Nearly all processed meats are made with sodium nitrite acid: breakfast sausage, hot dogs, jerkies, bacon, pepperoni, lunch meat, and even meats in canned soup products. Yet this acidic ingredient is a precursor to highly carcinogenic or acidic nitrosamines -- potent cancerous-causing acidic chemicals that accelerate the formation and growth of cancerous acidic cells throughout the body. When consumers eat sodium nitrite acid in popular meat products, acidic nitrosamines are formed in the body and prosion the cells that make up our tissues and organs, leading to cancerous cells of the colon and pancreas, says Adams.
"Sodium nitrite acid is a dangerous, cancer-causing ingredient that has no place in the human food supply," he explains. The USDA actually tried to ban sodium nitrite acid in the 1970's, but was preempted by the meat processing industry, which relies on the ingredient as a color fixer to make foods look more visually appealing. "The meat industry uses sodium nitrite acid to sell more meat products at the expense of public health," says Adams. "And this new research clearly demonstrates the link between the consumption of processed meats and cancer."
A cancerous pancreas isn't the only negative side effect of consuming processed meats such as hot dogs. Acid blood or Leukemia also skyrockets by 700% following the consumption of hot dogs. (Preston-Martin, S. et al. "N-nitroso compounds and childhood brain tumors: A case-control study." Cancer Res. 1982; 42:5240-5.) Other links between processed meats and dis-ease are covered in detail in the Grocery Warning manual.
Adams wrote Grocery Warning to warn consumers about the toxic or acidic, dis-ease-causing ingredients found in everyday foods and groceries. "There are certain ingredients found in common grocery products that directly promote cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and even behavioral disorders," Adams explains. His Grocery Warning manual covers them all, teaching readers how to prevent and even help reverse chronic dis-eases by avoiding acidic foods and acidic food ingredients that cause dis-ease.
According to Adams, consumers can help reduce the cancerous-causing effects of sodium nitrite acid by consuming protective antioxidants before meals, such as vitamin E, glutathione and N-acetyl cysteine which offers some protection. The only safe strategy is to avoid sodium nitrite acid completely.
Adams especially warns expectant mothers to avoid consuming sodium nitrite acid due to the greatly heightened risk of brain tumors in infants. Parents are also warned to avoid feeding their children products that contain sodium nitrite acid, including all popular hot dogs, bacon, jerkies, breakfast sausages and pizzas made with pepperoni or other processed meats. "Sodium nitrite acid is especially dangerous to fetuses, infants and children," says Adams.
Sadly, nearly all school lunch programs currently serve school children meat products containing sodium nitrite acid. Hospital cafeterias also serve this cancerous-causing ingredient to patients. Sodium nitrite acid is found in literally thousands of different menu items at fast food restaurants and dining establishments. "The use of this ingredient is widespread," says Adams, and it's part of the reason we're seeing skyrocketing rates of cancer in every society that consumes large quantities of processed meats."
Some companies are now offering nitrite-free and nitrate-free meat products, which are far healthier alternatives, but those products are difficult to find and are typically available only at health food stores or natural grocers. Consumers can look for "Nitrite-free" or "Nitrate-free" labels when shopping for meat products. They can also purchase fresh meats, which are almost never prepared with sodium nitrite acid. The best solution is to never eat meat. It is always acidic even without the sodium nitrite acid, including uric acid, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid.
The new research on processed meats points to an acidic chemical toxin as the cause of the increased cancerous risk. A heightened cancerous risk of 67% is "gigantic," warns Adams. "This is clearly not due to macronutrient differences. This is the kind of risk increase you only see with ingredient toxicity. Something in these processed meats is poisoning people, and the evidence points straight to sodium nitrite acid."
For more information on what causes cancerous cells and how to prevent cancerous tissues or organs visit our website at: or join us on Thursday nights at 6 pm Pacific Time on our pH Miracle for Cancer Teleconference. To sign up for our pH Miracle for Cancer teleconference or to join us at our next pH Miracle Retreat, November 2nd - 4th, please call the pH Miracle Center at: 760 751 8321 or visit our website at ph Miracle Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California
Robert Young, Ph.D.
Consuming processed meats increases the risk of a cancerous pancreas, says new research conducted at the University of Hawaii that followed nearly 200,000 men and women for seven years. According to lead study author Ute Nothlings, people who consumed the most processed meats (hot dogs and sausage) showed a 67% increased risk of a cancerous pancreas over those who consumed little or no meat products.
But researchers failed to accurately identify the culprit responsible for this increased risk of a cancerous pancreas, says one author. The true cause of the heightened cancer risk is the widespread use of an acidic carcinogenic precursor ingredient known as sodium nitrite acid by food processing companies, says nutritionist Mike Adams, author of the just-published Grocery Warning manual at:
Nearly all processed meats are made with sodium nitrite acid: breakfast sausage, hot dogs, jerkies, bacon, pepperoni, lunch meat, and even meats in canned soup products. Yet this acidic ingredient is a precursor to highly carcinogenic or acidic nitrosamines -- potent cancerous-causing acidic chemicals that accelerate the formation and growth of cancerous acidic cells throughout the body. When consumers eat sodium nitrite acid in popular meat products, acidic nitrosamines are formed in the body and prosion the cells that make up our tissues and organs, leading to cancerous cells of the colon and pancreas, says Adams.
"Sodium nitrite acid is a dangerous, cancer-causing ingredient that has no place in the human food supply," he explains. The USDA actually tried to ban sodium nitrite acid in the 1970's, but was preempted by the meat processing industry, which relies on the ingredient as a color fixer to make foods look more visually appealing. "The meat industry uses sodium nitrite acid to sell more meat products at the expense of public health," says Adams. "And this new research clearly demonstrates the link between the consumption of processed meats and cancer."
A cancerous pancreas isn't the only negative side effect of consuming processed meats such as hot dogs. Acid blood or Leukemia also skyrockets by 700% following the consumption of hot dogs. (Preston-Martin, S. et al. "N-nitroso compounds and childhood brain tumors: A case-control study." Cancer Res. 1982; 42:5240-5.) Other links between processed meats and dis-ease are covered in detail in the Grocery Warning manual.
Adams wrote Grocery Warning to warn consumers about the toxic or acidic, dis-ease-causing ingredients found in everyday foods and groceries. "There are certain ingredients found in common grocery products that directly promote cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and even behavioral disorders," Adams explains. His Grocery Warning manual covers them all, teaching readers how to prevent and even help reverse chronic dis-eases by avoiding acidic foods and acidic food ingredients that cause dis-ease.
According to Adams, consumers can help reduce the cancerous-causing effects of sodium nitrite acid by consuming protective antioxidants before meals, such as vitamin E, glutathione and N-acetyl cysteine which offers some protection. The only safe strategy is to avoid sodium nitrite acid completely.
Adams especially warns expectant mothers to avoid consuming sodium nitrite acid due to the greatly heightened risk of brain tumors in infants. Parents are also warned to avoid feeding their children products that contain sodium nitrite acid, including all popular hot dogs, bacon, jerkies, breakfast sausages and pizzas made with pepperoni or other processed meats. "Sodium nitrite acid is especially dangerous to fetuses, infants and children," says Adams.
Sadly, nearly all school lunch programs currently serve school children meat products containing sodium nitrite acid. Hospital cafeterias also serve this cancerous-causing ingredient to patients. Sodium nitrite acid is found in literally thousands of different menu items at fast food restaurants and dining establishments. "The use of this ingredient is widespread," says Adams, and it's part of the reason we're seeing skyrocketing rates of cancer in every society that consumes large quantities of processed meats."
Some companies are now offering nitrite-free and nitrate-free meat products, which are far healthier alternatives, but those products are difficult to find and are typically available only at health food stores or natural grocers. Consumers can look for "Nitrite-free" or "Nitrate-free" labels when shopping for meat products. They can also purchase fresh meats, which are almost never prepared with sodium nitrite acid. The best solution is to never eat meat. It is always acidic even without the sodium nitrite acid, including uric acid, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid.
The new research on processed meats points to an acidic chemical toxin as the cause of the increased cancerous risk. A heightened cancerous risk of 67% is "gigantic," warns Adams. "This is clearly not due to macronutrient differences. This is the kind of risk increase you only see with ingredient toxicity. Something in these processed meats is poisoning people, and the evidence points straight to sodium nitrite acid."
For more information on what causes cancerous cells and how to prevent cancerous tissues or organs visit our website at: or join us on Thursday nights at 6 pm Pacific Time on our pH Miracle for Cancer Teleconference. To sign up for our pH Miracle for Cancer teleconference or to join us at our next pH Miracle Retreat, November 2nd - 4th, please call the pH Miracle Center at: 760 751 8321 or visit our website at ph Miracle Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California
Monday, October 02, 2006
September 28, 2006
WASHINGTON - Oslo teens who drank the most sugary soft drinks also had more
mental health problems such as hyperactivity and distress, Norwegian
researchers reported on Thursday.
Their study of more than 5,000 Norwegian 15- and 16-year-olds showed a clear
and direct association between soft drink intake and hyperactivity, and a
more complex link with other mental and behavioral disorders.
They surveyed the students, asking them how many fizzy soft drinks with
sugar they had a day, and then questions from a standard questionnaire used
to assess mental health.
The teens who reported skipping breakfast and lunch were among the heaviest
soft drink consumers, Dr. Lars Lien and colleagues at the University of Oslo
"There was a strong association between soft drink consumption and mental
health problems among Oslo 10th graders," they wrote in their report,
published in the American Journal of Public Health.
"This association remained significant after adjustment for social,
behavioral and food-related disorders."
Most of the students said they drank anywhere between one and six servings
of soft drinks per week.
Those who drank no soft drinks at all were more likely than moderate
drinkers to have mental health symptoms, the researchers said. But those who
drank the most -- more than six servings a week - had the highest scores.
For hyperactivity, there was a direct linear relationship -- the more sodas
a teen drank, the most symptoms of hyperactivity he or she had.
The worst problems were seen in boys and girls who drank four or more soft
drinks a day. Ten percent of the boys and 2 percent of the girls drank this
The researchers said it was possible that other substances in the soft
drinks, such as caffeine, were to blame for the symptoms, and they did not
check other possible sources of refined sugar in the children's diets.
But they said many of the teens were clearly drinking too many sugary
drinks. Norway's recommended intake is 10 percent of the day's total
calories from sugar and the researchers said at least a quarter of the boys
were getting this much from soft drinks alone.
"One simple and effective measure to reduce soft drink consumption in this
age group would be to remove soft drink machines from schools and other
public places where adolescents gather," they wrote.
September 28, 2006
WASHINGTON - Oslo teens who drank the most sugary soft drinks also had more
mental health problems such as hyperactivity and distress, Norwegian
researchers reported on Thursday.
Their study of more than 5,000 Norwegian 15- and 16-year-olds showed a clear
and direct association between soft drink intake and hyperactivity, and a
more complex link with other mental and behavioral disorders.
They surveyed the students, asking them how many fizzy soft drinks with
sugar they had a day, and then questions from a standard questionnaire used
to assess mental health.
The teens who reported skipping breakfast and lunch were among the heaviest
soft drink consumers, Dr. Lars Lien and colleagues at the University of Oslo
"There was a strong association between soft drink consumption and mental
health problems among Oslo 10th graders," they wrote in their report,
published in the American Journal of Public Health.
"This association remained significant after adjustment for social,
behavioral and food-related disorders."
Most of the students said they drank anywhere between one and six servings
of soft drinks per week.
Those who drank no soft drinks at all were more likely than moderate
drinkers to have mental health symptoms, the researchers said. But those who
drank the most -- more than six servings a week - had the highest scores.
For hyperactivity, there was a direct linear relationship -- the more sodas
a teen drank, the most symptoms of hyperactivity he or she had.
The worst problems were seen in boys and girls who drank four or more soft
drinks a day. Ten percent of the boys and 2 percent of the girls drank this
The researchers said it was possible that other substances in the soft
drinks, such as caffeine, were to blame for the symptoms, and they did not
check other possible sources of refined sugar in the children's diets.
But they said many of the teens were clearly drinking too many sugary
drinks. Norway's recommended intake is 10 percent of the day's total
calories from sugar and the researchers said at least a quarter of the boys
were getting this much from soft drinks alone.
"One simple and effective measure to reduce soft drink consumption in this
age group would be to remove soft drink machines from schools and other
public places where adolescents gather," they wrote.
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