Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day
Wishing you a peaceful weekend!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Raw Living Foods Home Study Program

Thinking about a lifestyle change? NOW is the time to do it! The kids are back in school, vacations are over, and it's going to be easier to find a bit of time for yourself again.

Surrounded, as we are, with increasing toxicity in our food and environment, eating a pure and healthy diet is more important than ever. That's why the Raw Living Foods Movement is growing so fast.

There's a lot more to being a Raw Fooder than eating fruits and veggies. Dietary variety, purity, balance, sprouting and personal detoxification are important, too. Now you can learn about the Raw Living Foods Lifestyle in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Learn how to detoxify your body, what to eat, why to eat it, and how to prepare yummy raw food meals that leave you feeling full and satisfied. The home study version of the Dr. Ann Wigmore Raw Living Foods Lifestyle includes over 45 hours of video instruction, and a comprehensive manual.

The Raw Living Foods Lifestyle has been taught by a series of visionaries in the past century. Dr. Ann Wigmore used it to cure herself of colon cancer in the 1950's, and then taught it for decades at Hippocrates Institute in Boston and Creative Health Institute in Michigan, where she taught others to heal themselves naturally.

If you can't get into a residential program, then the home study program is for you. There's so much material in the home study program - 15 lessons, 30+ videos, 350+ page handbook - that you'd have to spend at least a month at a place like Creative Health to learn as much.

The First Lesson is Free - Examine the program in your home for 30 days. Even if you don't elect to continue your subscription, the first lesson is still yours to keep.


When you order the complete raw living foods lifestyle Home Study Program this week we'll also include over $100 worth of bonus materials:

Personal Raw Coaching: 30 minutes of free coaching and consultation (by telephone) with Hiawatha Cromer, "The Wise Woman of Raw Foods"
Bonus Book: "Green for Life," by Victoria Boutenko (read the Book Review)
Bonus Video: "Greens can Save Your Life," with Victoria Boutenko (2 Tapes or DVDs)
Bonus Video: "Dr. Ann Wigmore's Kitchen," with Dr. Ann and Dr. Flora van Orden III
Bonus Video: "Out of the Ordinary," with Robert Taylor, Steven Gibb and Dr. Jim Carey
Bonus Book: "Finding Health in Hodunk," by Thom Hartmann
Bonus Video: A surprise title.

For purchase information and more details, please visit

What people are saying about the home study program:

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