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Photo of the Day
Wishing you a peaceful weekend!

Monday, May 24, 2010



Truth Campaign Magazine

by William P. Kopp

[Article extracted from Perceptions, May-June 1996]

Medical Research Summary | Potential Use in Mind Control
Microwave cooking ovens were originally researched and developed by
German scientists to support mobile operations during the invasion of the
Soviet Union. Had they perfected electronic equipment to prepare meals on
a massive scale, the Nazis could have eliminated the logistical problems
connected with cooking fuels while producing edible products in far less
time than they could using traditional campfires.

After the war, the Allies discovered the medical research and
documentation concerning these apparatuses. The papers and experimental
microwave equipment were transferred to the US War Department and
classified for reference and scientific investigation. The Soviet Union
also retrieved some of the devices and began to experiment on them

The Russians - who have done the most diligent research into the
biological effects of microwave ovens - have outlawed their use and
issued an international warning about the biological and environmental
damage that can result from the use of this and similar-frequency
electronic apparatus.

Medical research summary
The most significant German research concerned with the biological
effects of microwaves was done at the Humbolt-Universitat zu Berlin in
1942-43, during the Barbarossa military campaign. Beginning in 1957 and
continuing up to the present, Russian studies in the field have been
conducted at the Institute of Radio Technology.

In most research, the foods were exposed to microwave propagation at an
energy potential of 100 kilowatts per cubic centimetre per second, to the
point considered acceptable for sanitary, normal ingestion.

The observations made by the German and Russian microwave researchers
will be presented here in three categories: cancer-causing effects,
destruction of nutritive value and biological effects of direct exposure
of humans to microwave emissions.

1. Microwaved Foods Cause Tumors
The following effects have been observed when foods are subject to
microwave emissions.

* Effects on the foods themselves

Meats: Heating prepared meats sufficiently to ensure sanitary ingestion
creates d-nitrosodiethanola mine, a well know cancer-causing agent.

Proteins: Active-protein, biomolecular compounds are destabilised.

Increase in radioactivity: A "binding effect" between the microwaved food
and any atmospheric radioactivity is created, causing a marked increase
in the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in the food.

Milk and cereals: Cancer-causing agents are created in the
protein-hydrolysate compounds in milk and cereal grains.

Frozen foods: Microwaves used to thaw frozen foods alter the catabolism
(breakdown) of the glucoside and galactoside elements.

* Resulting effects on the human body

Digestive system: The unstable catabolism of microwaved food alters their
elemental food substances, causing disorders in the digestive system.

Lymphatic system: Due to chemical alterations within food substances,
malfunctions occur in the lymphatic system, causing a degeneration of the
body's ability to protect itself against certain forms of neoplastics
(cancerous growths).

Free radicals: Certain trace-mineral molecular formations in plant
substances - in particular, raw root vegetables - form cancer-causing
free radicals.

Increased incidence of stomach and intestinal cancers: A statistically
higher percentage of cancerous growths result in these organs, plus a
generalised breakdown of the peripheral cellular tissues and a gradual
degeneration of digestive and excretory functions.

2. Microwaves Reduce Food Value
Microwaves exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritive value
of all foods studied. The following are the most important findings to

* Vitamins and minerals made useless: In every food tested, the
bioavailability of the following vital nutrients decreased: vitamin B
complex, vitamins C and E, essential minerals and lipotropics.
* Vital energy fields devastated: The vital energy field content of all
tested foods dropped 60-90%. Digestibility of fruits and vegetables
reduced: Microwaving lowers the metabolic behaviour and
integration- process capability of alkaloids, glucosides, alactosides and
* Meat proteins worthless: It destroys the nutritive value of
nucleoproteins in meats. All foods damaged: It greatly accelerates the
structural disintegration of all foods tested.

3. Biological Effects of Microwaves
Exposure to microwave emissions also has a negative effect upon the
general biological welfare of humans. This was not discovered until the
Russians experimented with highly sophisticated equipment and discovered
that humans can be adversely affected without even ingesting the food
that have been subjected to microwave emissions. Merely entering the
energy field of the food causes harmful side-effects that the Soviets
outlawed all such microwave apparatus in 1976.

Here are the effects observed in humans having "direct" exposure to
microwaves, that is, without their having consumed the irradiated food

* Life-energy field breakdown: Persons near microwave ovens in operation
experience a breakdown of their life-energy fields which increases
relative to the length of exposure.
* Cellular energy decreases: The cellular-voltage parallels of
individuals using the apparatus degenerate - especially in their blood
and lymphatic serums.
* Destabilised metabolism: The external-energy activated potentials of
food utilisation are both destabilised and degenerated.
* Cell damage: Internal cellular-membrane potentials during catabolic
processes into the blood serum from the digestive process degenerate and
* Brain circuitry destruction: Electrical impulses in the junction
potentials of the cerebrum degenerate and break down.
* Nervous system: Nerve/electrical circuits degenerate and break down
while energy-field symmetry is lost in the neuro-plexuses (nerve centres)
in both the front and rear of the central and autonomic nervous systems.
* Loss of bioelectric strength: The bioelectric strengths within the
ascending reticular activating system (the system which controls the
function of waking consciousness) go out of balance and lose their proper
* Loss of vital energies: Humans, animals and plants located within a
500-metre radius of the equipment in operation suffer a long-term,
cumulative loss of vital energies.
* Nervous and lymphatic systems damage: Long-lasting residual magnetic
"deposits" become located throughout the nervous system and lymphatic
* Hormone imbalances: The production of hormones and the maintenance of
hormonal balance in both males and females becomes destabilised and
* Brainwave disruptions: Levels of disturbance in alpha-, delta- and
theta-wave signal patterns are markedly higher than normal.
* Psychological disorders: Because of the disarranged brain waves,
negative psychological effects also result. These include loss of memory
and ability to concentrate, suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration
of intellective processes and interruptive sleep episodes in a
statistically higher percentage of individuals subjected to continual
range-emission field effects of microwave apparatus, from either cooking
apparatus or transmission stations.

Potential Use In Mind Control
Due to the creation of random, residual magnetic deposits and binding
within the biological systems of the body (nervous and lymphatic systems
damage) which can ultimately affect the neurological systems (primarily
the brain and nerve centres), longer-term depolarisation of tissue
neuroelectronic circuits can result.

Because these effects can cause virtually irremissible damage to the
neuroelectrical integrity of the various components of the nervous

system, ingestion of microwaved foods is clearly contraindicated in all

Their residual magnetism effect can render the psychoneural- receptor
components of the brain more subject to influence by artificially
induced, microwave-radio- frequency fields from transmission stations and
TV relay networks.

Soviet neuropsychologists at Uralyera and Novosibirsk have theorised the
possibility of psychotelemetric influence (i.e., affecting human
behaviour by transmitting radio signals at controlled frequencies) ,
causing subjects to comply - involuntarily and subliminally - with
commands received through microwave transmissions acting upon their
psychological energy fields.

For this reason, and due to the 28 other contradications listed above,
the use of microwave apparatus in any form is definitely ill-advised.
Present scientific opinion in many countries clearly opposes them, as
exemplified by the mentioned Soviet ban.


4) Throw Away Your Microwave

http://healbuilding Ovens/microwave_ ovens.html

Most people think that microwave ovens do not have any negative health
consequences. After all, if they did the government would not allow this
product on the market. Think again.
The Soviet Union conducted extensive microwave research after finding
German microwave ovens and research data at the end of WWII. Unhampered
by capitalistic trade associations, Russian research has been more
extensive than that in the US. This article summarizes early Russian and
other more recent research.
Microwave ovens use electromagnetic energy that vibrates 2.4 billion
times per second. This energy acts on the molecules in food, particularly
water molecules, causing them to rapidly vibrate. This rapid movement
generates friction and thus heat. Vibration is so violent that molecules
are often torn apart or distorted, thereby changing the chemical makeup
of the food. Additionally, this appliance leaks microwaves into the
environment around it.
Studies of the thousands of Russian workers exposed to radar microwaves
in the 1950's showed health effects so severe that the Russian microwave
oven leakage limit was set at 0.0000001 watts/cm2. This limit is 1000
times less than the US leakage limit.
Later microwave ovens were totally banned in the Soviet Union (1976)
after highly sophisticated measurement equipment enabled the following

* Break down of the human life energy field or chi.
* Degeneration of cellular voltage parallels in blood and lymph systems.
* Degeneration/ destabilization of internal cellular membrane potentials.
* Degeneration and breakdown of electrical nerve impulses within the
brain's cerebrum.
* Degeneration and breakdown of nerve electrical circuits and loss of
energy field symmetry in the nerve centers of the autonomic nervous
* Long term cumulative loss of human and animal vital energy within a
1600 foot radius of the equipment.
* Long lasting residual effect of magnetic deposits located throughout
the nervous and lymphatic systems.
* Destabilization and interruption in production of hormones and
maintenance of normal hormonal balance.
* Markedly high disturbance in alpha, theta and delta brain wave leading
to memory and concentration loss, suppressed emotional threshold, slowing
of intellectual processes and interrupted sleep.
* Long term and irreversible depolarization of tissue neuroelectric

The following summary of Russian microwave food science is courtesy of
The Atlantis Raising Educational Center, Portland OR.:
Carcinogenic compounds were formed in virtually all foods tested under
normal cooking conditions. For example:

* Prepared meats: Formation the carcinogens d-nitrosodienthanol amine.
* Milk and cereal grains: Portion of amino acids converted to carcinogens.
* Thawing frozen fruit: portion of glucoside and galactoside fractions
converted to carcinogens
* Short exposure of raw, cooked or frozen vegetables: Portion of plant
alkaloids converted into carcinogens.

And the nutritional value was altered in almost all foods. For example:

* Structural degradation: A 60 to 90% decrease in nutritive value.
* Vitamin and minerals: Decreased bio-availability of vitamins B, C, E,
essential minerals and lipotropic factors.

In 1991 Dr. Hans Hertel a retired Swiss food scientist and Lausanne
University Professor Blanc did a Oblind' study of the effect of
microwaved versus Onormal' foods. They found changes in blood chemistry
indicative of an early pathenogenic processes similar to the start of
cancer. The changes:

* Decreases in all hemoglobin values.
* Increases in hematocrit, leukocytes and cholesterol values.
* Decreases in the ratio of good to bad cholesterol.
* Decrease in white blood cells following ingestion of microwaved food.
* Evidence that microwave energies are passed to the cells via the blood.

In 1992 a Swiss court issued a gag order against Hertel and Blanc. In
1993 Hertel was convicted of "interfering with commerce" and prohibited
from publishing. In 1998 the European Court of Human Rights held that the
gag order was contrary to the right of freedom of expression. Switzerland
was ordered to pay Hertel compensation.
The US government is characteristically silent when it comes to these
matters and little research has been conducted in US. Today microwave
ovens are in 90% of America's kitchens.
Most people think that microwave ovens do not have any negative effect.
After all the government would not allow this product on the market if it
had negative health consequences. Think again.
The Soviet Union conducted extensive microwave reserarch following the
capture of Nazis research and the microwave ovens and used in the WWII
Russian campaign. This article summarizes these and more recent
Microwave ovens use electromagnetic energy that vibrates 2.4 billion
times per second. This energy acts on the molecules in food, particularly
water molecules causing them to rapidly vibrate. This rapid movement
generates friction and thus heat. Vibration is so violent that molecules
are often torn apart or distorted, thereby, changing the chemical makeup
of the food. Additionally, this appliance leaks microwaves into the
environment around it.
Study of the thousands of Russian workers exposed to radar microwaves in
the 1950's showed health effects so severe that the Russian microwave
oven leakage limit was set at 0.0000001 watts/cm2. This limit is 1000
times less than the US leakage limit.
Microwave ovens were totally banned in 1976 following the development of
highly sophisticated measurement equipment that allowed the following

* Break down of the human life energy field.
* Degeneration of cellular voltage parallels in blood and lymph systems.
* Degeneration/ destabilization of internal cellular membrane potentials.
* Degeneration and breakdown of electrical nerve impulses within the
cerebrum portion of the brain
* Degeneration and breakdown of nerve electrical circuits and loss of
energy field symmetry in the nerve centers of the autonomic nervous
* Long term cumulative loss of human and animal vital energy within a
1600 foot radius of microwave equipment.
* Long lasting residual effect of "magnetic" deposits located throughout
the nervous and lymphatic systems.
* Destabilization and interruption in production of hormones and
maintenance of normal hormonal balance.
* Markedly high disturbance in alpha, theta and delta brain wave patterns
leading to memory and concentration loss, suppressed emotional threshold,
slowing of intellectual processes and interrupted sleep.
* Long term and irreversible depolarization of tissue neuroelectric

The Atlantis Raising Educational Center, Portland OR. provided this
summary of Russian microwave food science:

* Carcinogenic compounds were formed in virtually all foods tested under
normal cooking conditions. For example:
* Prepared meats: Formation the carcinogens d-nitrosodienthanol amine.
* Milk and cereal grains: Portion of amino acids converted to carcinogens.
* Thawing frozen fruit: portion of glucoside and galactoside fractions
converted to carcinogens
* Short exposure of raw, cooked or frozen vegetables: Portion of plant
alkaloids converted into carcinogens.

Nutritional value was altered in almost all foods:

* Structural degradation: A 60 to 90% decrease in nutritive value.
* Vitamin and minerals: Decreased bio-availability of vitamins B, C, E,
essential minerals and lipotropic factors.

In 1991 Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel a retired Swiss food scientist and
Lausanne University professor Blanc study the effect of microwaved versus
Onormal' food on blood chemistry and found changes in blood parameters
indicative of an early pathenogenic process similar to the actual start
of cancer:

* Decreases in all hemoglobin values.
* Increases in hematocrit, leukocytes and cholesterol values.
* Decreases in the ratio of good to bad cholesterol.
* Decrease in white blood cells (lympho-cytes) following ingestion of
microwaved food.
* Evidence that microwave energies are passed to the cells via the blood

In 1992 a Swiss court issued a gag order against Hertel and Blanc. In
1993 Hertel was convicted of "interfering with commerce" and prohibited
from publishing. In 1998 the European Court of Human Rights held that the
gag order was contrary to the right of freedom of expression. Switzerland
was ordered to pay Hertel compensation.
The US government is characteristically silent when it comes to these
matters. Little research has been conducted by the US Government.
Microwaves are in 90% of America's kitchens. Take this information
seriously and make your kitchen one of the 10%.

Hair Dryer Highs

A hair dryers draws a lot of power. Ordinary hair dryers have very high
magnetic fields: 50 milligauss at the handle at your hand: 30 milligauss
in front of the nozzle where your head is located.
There is a line of home hair dryers that are certified to have a field no
more than 2 milligauss 2 inches from the nozzle. Also available- more
powerful beautician's hair dryers with lower emf. Contact Angelite: or (877) 460-9151

Kill Oem Dead

A California controlled study found significantly higher risk of neural
tube defects (e.g. spina bifida) in mothers who lived within a 1/4 mile
of a sprayed agricultural field or had their homes treated by
professional exterminators. Am Journal of Epidemiology 1995; 11:S3
Home gardener use of pesticides is 20 times higher than that of farmers.
EPA Publication
The newest weapon in the chemical battle against subterranean termite is
Termidor containing Fipronil which cause hyperexcitation of the inspect's
nerves and muscles.

Fipronil is classed by the EPA as possible human carcinogen.
Fipronil is also used in Frontline and in Frontline Topspot pet flea
treatment: and in Combat and Maxforce ant and roach bate stations.
In California there is no state law requiring notification of parents
before school pesticide application. Eight of 13 district reporting in a
survey used chlorpyrifos (now banned by the EPA) in 1999. Eleven of the
districts reported using Category I- most toxic pesticides. CNN/AP Study,
For least toxic way to dealing with pests Please visit the Bio-Integral
Resource Center at or call 510-524-2567.

Air Freseners Foul the Air

Air fresheners work by altering the human nervous system proving they are
biologically active and capable of causing harm.
Air fresheners purchased at retail in three states were tested with mice.
About fifty tests were run using different sample sizes and air flow
rates. Some test were replicated to check repeatability. Air was blown
over the sample toward the test subjects. Adverse affects were found with
the smallest weight tested (1/4 of a whole air freshener):

* Severe pulmonary irritation (reduction in respiration rate) comparable
to asthma in humans.
* Sensory irritation increasing over twenty minutes, becoming severe and
remained severe until the freshener was removed.

Neurological impairments were so severe had a little more freshener been
used some of the mice would have died.

The mice did not get used to the pollutant in subsequent tests.

Condensed from the Human Ecologist # 67

Larry Morningstar
mana7@opendoor. com

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